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PSHRE & British Values

Our PSHRE Curriculum Offer


At Crowcombe and Stogumber Primary Schools we provide a whole school PSHRE curriculum that builds foundations of health and wellbeing; providing crucial skills and positive attitudes to enable children to achieve their potential, academically and socially. We want our children to develop and deepen their personal, social and emotional skills in ways that are tailored to their age group, whilst also expanding on their previous knowledge as they progress through the school. Our intention is for our children to learn about themselves as developing individuals and as members of their communities, building on their own experiences and experiences of others, and through our school Christian values of Generosity, Optimism, Determination, Curiosity and Courage.


We provide a safe space for the children to learn PSHRE, providing them with the ability to make safe and informed choices, taking responsibility for their actions, respecting and valuing difference and being the best that they can be. Children will learn to show acceptance of others regardless of their background, religion, race, gender or sexuality, and develop their understanding of others.


As they progress further up the school into upper KS2 we provide effective sex and relationship education, to enable the children to make responsible and well informed decisions about their lives, to help and support them through their physical, emotional and moral development. It is our aim to help our pupils to learn to respect themselves and others and move with confidence from childhood through adolescence into adulthood.


At Crowcombe and Stogumber Primary Schools we follow the SCARF PSHRE program, which is a whole school approach that provides a scheme of learning from the Early Years Foundation Stage through to, and including, Year 6. 


SCARF, standing for Safety, Caring, Achievement, Resilience and Friendship is mapped to the PSHRE Association programmes of study. It is centred on a values based, ‘Growth Mindset’ approach and is divided into six half termly units. The units are tailored to each year group under the following themes:


  • Being my Best,
  • Me and my Relationships,
  • Keeping Myself Safe,
  • Valuing Difference,
  •  Growing and Changing,
  •  Rights and Responsibilities.


The units are taught through a spiral curriculum, being explored in greater depth and resources being tailored to each age group. Every teacher has access to SCARF online resources, which include lesson plans and additional resources to enable them to personalise the curriculum to individual pupil need. This is including additional resources for issues that may arise through classroom discussions.


Generosity          Optimism           Determination          Curiosity          Courage

PSHRE Curriculum Documents

Promoting Fundamental British Values.

In accordance with The Department for Education we aim to actively promote British values in schools to ensure young people leave school prepared for life in modern Britain. Pupils are encouraged to regard people of all faiths, races and cultures with respect and tolerance and understand that while different people may hold different views about what is "right" and "wrong", all people living in England are subject to its law.

The Key Values are:

  • democracy
  • rule of law
  • individual liberty
  • mutual respect
  • tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs


We promote British Values in the following ways:



  • Our School Council promotes the democratic process - pupils nominate and vote for their representatives within the School Council

  • Our marking policy encourages feedback enabling pupils to respond to and influence the learning process

  • Children create and adhere to class rules

  • Pupils and parents are surveyed regularly and the results of those surveys inform aspects of the School Development Plan

  • We have a house system

  • Children are encouraged to voice their opinions in formal and informal ways (suggestion boxes, questionnaires)


Individual Liberty

  • Children are provided with boundaries which encourage them to make choices safely

  • Pupils are encouraged to respectfully express their views and beliefs

  • Pupils have key roles and responsibilities within school

  • Pupils have the opportunity and are encouraged to take part in a broad range of extra-curricular activities

  • Pupils are encouraged to know, understand and exercise their rights and personal freedoms and advised how to exercise these safely, for example, through our RHSE and E-Safety lessons.

  • Pupils know who to speak to if they are worried or concerned about themselves or others


Respect of those of different faith and beliefs

  • We learn about major world religion festivals throughout the year

  • Our RE and RSHE curriculum provides children with a broad and balanced understanding of world religions and promotes respect for the beliefs of others

  • We provide resources to ensure that all pupils are effectively integrated into the teaching and learning process and the wider school community, including those that join at different starting points and those who have English as an additional language


Mutual Respect

  • Pupils work in teams, share ideas in public and show respect for other pupils’ opinions during class discussions, assemblies and concerts

  • School rules reinforce mutual respect

  • All members of the school community treat each other with respect and model this in behaviour with colleagues and pupils

  • Pupils work together in different groupings and situations in different lessons and subjects

  • All pupils participate in live productions and assemblies throughout the school year


The Rule of Law

  • We have clear rules and expectations of behaviour and a Whistle Blowing policy which is adhered to by all pupils, staff and other stakeholders

  • Each class has a class code of conduct created by the pupils at the start of each academic year

  • Teaching includes online safety, road safety and caring for the environment

  • Attendance and punctuality is good and all stakeholders are aware of the importance of being at school

  • Pupils follow, respect and understand the need for different rules in different situations, i.e. PE lessons, school visits, classrooms and the playground

  • Pupils with positive learning behaviours are recognised

  • Visits from emergency services and MPs/councillors, reinforces the rule of law and the reasoning/purpose behind them

  • The school supports pupils in regulating their own behaviour to make choices for the well-being of themselves and others
