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COVID - 19

COVID-19 Catch-up Premium

The government has announced it will be providing schools with a Coronavirus (COVID-19) catch-up premium. 


Schools’ allocations will be calculated on a per pupil basis, providing each mainstream school with a total of £80 for each pupil in years Reception through to Year 11.


At Crowcombe and Stogumber Primary Schools, we had 86 pupils on roll at the time of application, which means we will receive a total of £6,880. We will receive this in instalments.


The government guidance states that schools should use this funding for specific activities to support their pupils to catch up for lost teaching over the previous months, in line with the guidance on curriculum expectations for the next academic year. Schools have the flexibility to spend their funding in the best way for their cohort and circumstances. To support schools to make the best use of this funding, the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) has published a coronavirus (COVID-19) support guide for schools with evidence-based approaches to catch up for all students.


At Crowcombe and Stogumber we have chosen to spend our allocation on paying for a an additional teacher to work for two days across the schools. Miss Knowles will spend her time supporting identified pupils in class and will also offer individual or small group tuition to those who we have identified would benefit from some additional support to catch up.
