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PE and Sport Premium



Please read the information below which gives details of our PE and Sport Premium Grant and how we allocate the funding.


Effective, enjoyable, and inclusive Physical Education is at the heart of an outstanding curriculum, that develops healthy bodies and minds. We view PE and Learning Outside the Classroom (LOtC) as cornerstones of our pupils’ learning. Exercise for all at the start of the school day, leadership training for our oldest pupils, physical activity embedded within outdoor learning, and extra curricular clubs and tournaments for all abilities - these all enhance our comprehensively taught PE curriculum.


As small, rural schools, participation in extra curricular sports festivals and tournaments are essential opportunities for our pupils to expand their horizons, to meet and mix with peers, and to take part in ‘big’ events. Thanks to supportive staff and parents, and the School Sports Funding, we compete in a lot of the local events on offer. We have numerous extra-curricular sports clubs on offer which are fully funded and free to all pupils. 


Our commitment to delivering outstanding PE is evident in our Bronze School Sports Kitemark.


A Bronze School Games Mark in our PE and sports provision recognises our inclusive, encouraging, accessible and challenging curriculum and extra curriculum sports. Much of the credit for this achievement goes to our Year Six ‘Young Leaders’. They run their own weekly lunchtime ‘Fun Club’ for all of Keystage Two, as well developing, planning and delivering future house tournaments across the year.


Details of our participation in the School Games can be accessed here.


