Learning Outside the Classroom and Forest School
We are fortunate to have the expert knowledge and skills of Mr Wedderkopp our LOTC and Forest School Lead Teacher. He works across the schools throughout the year to provide enrichment and enhancement to our curriculum in year groups, classes, Key Stages and through whole school days.
Our LOtC (Learning Outside the Classroom) days are outdoor sessions where the learning is linked to the children’s current curriculum topics. This may be a field trip, a living history roleplay day, or simply lesson objectives taught outside in as engaging a way as possible.
Our forest school days allow much more scope for child led learning. We will teach specific outdoor skills such as den building, navigation, tool use, foraging and cooking but with much emphasis on the children playing, exploring and improvising together in the outdoor space.
There is no such thing as bad weather.....
Please ensure your child is dressed appropriately for a full day outside, prepared for the weather.
This might entail suncream and sunhat on summery days, or warm hat, double socks and gloves in the winter.
Welly boots or hiking boots make a world of difference in the wet, as do waterproof trousers.
We strongly suggest always having long trousers and long sleeves for protection from the sun, thorns, ticks and other risks.
Some spare clothes in case of unforeseen soaking!