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Welcome to the PTA section of our website.

Our PTA – "Crumbs"


Who are we?    CRUMBS is the ‘Parent and Teachers Association’ for Crowcombe and Stogumber Primary Schools. Everyone who is a parent or carer of a child at the School is automatically a member, and a number of us volunteer to make up the committee, who meet every couple of months.

What do we do?   We have two simple objectives…

  1. to provide additional resources through fundraising to enhance the learning, opportunities and experience for all children at the school.
  2. to provide an opportunity for parents, children and staff to come together and join in social events - such as Christmas and Summer Fayres, School Discos and other events - and raise money at the same time.

What have we achieved?    Over the last few years alone CRUMBS has raised over £100,000 for the school – a staggering amount.

That’s enabled us to pay for things such as Interactive White Boards in all classrooms, an outdoor classroom in Crowcombe, playground equipment, school outings, external presenters, a new library, a weather station, musical instruments and of course… a brand new £50,000 Minibus which we took delivery of at the start of 2024!

Your support is needed!

All of this great work relies on everyone’s support to make things happen.  You don’t need to take on a big role or task, there are plenty of smaller jobs to be done which all contribute to the PTA's work, and there are lots of ways that you can support us and enable the good work to continue – you can…

  • Support an activity by simply just joining in – whether it be coming along to an event or joining our school lottery, taking part is one of the simplest things you can do!
  • Get involved in helping out at or organising an activity – if you or a group of you are interested in helping out then please get in touch – see below
  • Or, you could join our Committee meetings - we meet around 6 times a year, so it’s less than an hour a month.  It’s important that we have someone from each school year so please think about it and speak to one of us

How to get in touch… If you have any questions, would like to get involved or would like to speak to us about anything, we’re all regularly at both school sites for drop offs and pick ups.  If you don’t know who we are then just ask and someone will point you in our direction.  If it’s easier you can always email us at


Many thanks for your support and we look forward to speaking to you soon.


CRUMBS Committee

Paul Kenny, Karen Thompson, Nina Tillyer, Suzi Fawden and Tom Foley

