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School Improvement

Our Long Term School Improvement Strategy


In October 2023 the Governing Board reviewed the Long Term Strategy (5 years) for our Schools. The purpose of this is to provide direction for all involved with the school and to help inform our decision making over the coming years. 


We have 5 key objectives that we believe will ensure that the schools continue to flourish and serve the needs of our community:

1) Ensure the safety and wellbeing of the children, staff and governors

2) Protect the Christian Ethos and Values of the school

3) Provide an attractive, rounded offering, that utilises the local environment

4) Perform exceptionally well and across all aspects of the school

5) Ensure long term prosperity of both schools with proficient management of all resources


Please read through the attached document. It provides the background that helped to inform our decision making and lists the criteria that we will use to determine whether we are meeting the objectives.


We will monitor the progress against these objectives on a termly basis and will review the overall strategy each year. Over time it will evolve.


We acknowledge that it will be a challenge to meet some of the targets that we have set, but these will ensure that our schools go from strength to strength and are rewarding places to teach and learn.

5 Year Strategy

Our School Improvement Priorities


In support of the governors 5 year strategy the schools have spend time self-evaluating and identify our key priorities for school improvement for the current academic year. These priorities have been identified following rigorous evaluation of the current quality of education and the impact this has on pupil outcomes. Using evidence based research we have explored how we can implement strategies to ensure effective improvement. Our School Development Plan details what needs to be our focus, why this is an area of focus, how we will address these areas of focus and how we will monitor and evaluate its impact. We view school evaluation and improvement as a continuous cycle following an Assess, Plan, Do, Review process. Therefore we view our School Development Plan as a 'live' document that is reviewed and evaluated throughout the academic year.


In the 2024 - 2025 academic year we have 4 strands to our School Development Plan which cover the key priorities we have identified to focus on at this time. They are:

  • Quality of Education and Leadership & Management  - Develop the implementation, and therefore impact, of our curriculum through quality first teaching, with a particular focus on disadvantaged pupils and those with additional needs.
  • Quality of Education and Leadership & Management - Raising the attainment of pupils in EYFS and KS1 within the core areas of phonics and early reading.
  • Early Years and Leadership & Management - Develop the implementation, and therefore impact, of our early years curriculum, ensuring pupils' readiness for the next staged of their educational journey.
  • Personal Development and Behaviour & Attitudes - To further promote quality of opportunity and diversity to develop pupil understanding, appreciation and respect for difference in the world, including developing or RE curriculum.


If you have any questions about our School Improvement Priorities then please do get in touch with a member of the Senior Leadership Team.
